What Fear Fears

5 am comes early and in the first hours of the day, fear is quiet. It’s dormant. It’s waiting.

Awesome is tangible when the things that you fear the most are still sleeping.

5 am comes with breaths of gratitude. Of thanks. Of thanksgiving.

At 5 am, anything seems possible.

Starting seems easy.

And then the real day begins with demands and pressures and the reality of a life like ours.

Tempers flare and buttons are pushed and the feeling of success felt just hours before is gone.

It’s summer. The sun beats down. It burns and it stings.

The weather outside is unbearable but the climate inside is just a volatile.

Words burn. Cries sting. And how is that love and pride and anger and heartbreak can fill the same space?

It’s barely past the noon hour and limits are reached and it’s autism for the win.


And fear.

Fear has spent the morning practicing it’s speech. It’s prepared. It’s ready for the attack.

And it’s vicious.

And it should win. It always wins.

It hasn’t know defeat in me before.

But it doesn’t know that I’m not fighting fair this time.

I’m not fighting it alone.

If it really is true that fear fears community the fear should be terrified.

It may have won the battle but this isn’t over.

It’s who wins the war.

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